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Join a Security Guard Union in

If your looking to join a Security Guard Union in Kansas & Oklahoma please fill out the join a security guard union form below and a United Federation LEOS-PBA security guard union representative will be in contact with you shortly.

Sec. 7. [§ 157.] Employees shall have the right to self-organization, to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection, and shall also have the right to refrain from any or all of such activities except to the extent that such right may be affected by an agreement requiring membership in a labor organization as a condition of employment as authorized in section 8(a)(3) [section 158(a)(3) of this title].


Employee Rights

Employees covered by the National Labor Relations Act are afforded certain rights to join together to improve their wages and working conditions, with or without a union.

Union Activity


Employees have the right to attempt to form a union where none currently exists, or to decertify a union that has lost the support of employees.


Examples of employee rights include:

  • Forming, or attempting to form, a union in your workplace;

  • Joining a union whether the union is recognized by your employer or not;

  • Assisting a union in organizing your fellow employees;

  • Refusing to do any or all of these things.

  • To be fairly represented by a union


Activity Outside a Union

Employees who are not represented by a union also have rights under the NLRA.  Specifically, the National Labor Relations Board protects the rights of employees to engage in “concerted activity”,  which is when two or more employees take action for their mutual aid or protection regarding terms and conditions of employment.  A single employee may also engage in protected concerted activity if he or she is acting on the authority of other employees, bringing group complaints to the employer’s attention, trying to induce group action, or seeking to prepare for group action.


A few examples of protected concerted activities are:

  • Two or more employees addressing their employer about improving their pay.

  • Two or more employees discussing work-related issues beyond pay, such as safety concerns, with each other.

  • An employee speaking to an employer on behalf of one or more co-workers about improving workplace conditions.


Who is covered?


Most employees in the private sector are covered by the NLRA. However, the Act specifically excludes individuals who are:


  • employed by Federal, state, or local government

  • employed as agricultural laborers

  • employed in the domestic service of any person or family in a home

  • employed by a parent or spouse

  • employed as an independent contractor

  • employed as a supervisor (supervisors who have been discriminated against for refusing to violate the NLRA may be covered)

  • employed by an employer subject to the Railway Labor Act, such as railroads and airlines

  • employed by any other person who is not an employer as defined in the NLRA

United Federation LEOS-PBA  


State Security Licensing Authorities: Kansas


The unarmed security guard in the state of Kansas is required to be licensed and the applicant must attend state certified training and meet the personal qualifications. These requirements are pursuant to the legislative Act K.S.A. 75-b and the Kansas Administrative Regulations statutes that apply to the unarmed security guard. The unarmed security licensing is regulated by the Kansas Attorney General’s Office and prior to applying for the license all requirements must be met. The training is to be done within the state of Kansas at a state certified training center to prepare the unarmed security guard to work within the security field. The personal requirements must be met or the security license will not be issued. The personal requirements to apply for the unarmed security license are:


  • The applicant must be at least 18 years of age

  • Proof of a high school diploma or an equivalency certificate

  • Proof of the legal right to work in the United States

  • A complete background check will be done

  • The applicant will not have any felony convictions or certain misdemeanor convictions

  • The applicant will be fingerprinted

  • The applicant will complete the necessary state certified training prior to applying for a license


The training that is required is designed to help the unarmed security guard to fulfill their duties. This training will include emergency medical first aid and the proper maneuvers to handle suspected criminals. The applicant will also be educated in the Kansas laws that can apply to them in the workplace. This will include laws about the use of force and lawful detainment. The training course required will include the following:


  • Legal and ethical issues that can occur on the job

  • Kansas laws

  • The use of non-lethal force

  • Detainment of suspects

  • Emergency first aid and CPR


The applicant that completes the state certified training and meets the other qualifications will be issued an unarmed security guard license to work in the Kansas security sector. They will have the confidence and the education to perform their duties in the security setting once the training has been successfully completed.

The employment opportunities that can be found within the security sector for the unarmed guard are numerous and some of these are:

  • Banks and lending institutions

  • Schools

  • Colleges

  • Hotels

  • Airports

  • State offices

  • Federal offices

  • Apartment complexes

  • Parks

  • Public lands

  • Private security


The unarmed security guard in the state of Kansas will find many opportunities for employment. There are some unarmed security employment opportunities where a valid Kansas driver’s license will be required to fulfill the employer requirements. This is not a factor in applying for the Kansas unarmed security license, but it will open some doors having a valid Kansas driver’s license.  The unarmed security license that will be issued by the Kansas State Attorney General’s Office will be valid for a period of two years.


The state of Kansas requires any person that wants to be employed as an armed security guard to apply for a Kansas state armed security guard license. In order to apply for this license the person applying will need to attend state certified courses and also provide personal information. The Kansas armed security guard license is regulated by the State Attorney General’s Office, the licensing provisions are included in Act K.S.A. 75-7b and the Kansas Administrative Regulations statutes for armed and unarmed security guards.


The personal information that is required include:

  • The applicant will be at least 21 years of age

  • Applicants will provide proof they can legally work in the United States

  • The applicant will submit to a background check

  • The applicant will be fingerprinted

  • Applicants will not have been convicted of any felonies or certain misdemeanors

  • The person applying will have completed the required training


The training that is required by the legislative Act K.S.A. 7507b and the Kansas Administrative Regulations statutes must be completed in the state of Kansas and at a state certified facility. This training will include courses that will prepare the applicant to work in the security field during normal duties and in emergency situations. This training will include:


  • The legal issues that can occur on the job

  • Ethical issues and the Kansas law

  • Emergency medical including first aid

  • The use of force

  • Firearm’s training including marksmanship and target practice

  • The Kansas laws for use of weapons


The applicant that completes this training successfully will be prepared to deal with any type of emergency or criminal activity that might occur while they are employed in the security sector. This includes the use of their weapon in cases of lethal and non-lethal force.
The applicant that fulfills all of the requirements to apply for their Kansas armed guard license will be qualified to work in both the public and private security field. This license creates many employment opportunities such as:


  • Armored vehicles

  • Banks

  • Finical institutions

  • State office buildings

  • Federal office buildings

  • Schools

  • Colleges

  • Airports

  • Hotels

  • Public parks

  • Apartment and housing areas

  • Private security duty


These are some of the opportunities that will be available to the armed security guard applicant that meets all of the requirements and qualifies to be issued a Kansas license.

The armed guard security license issued by the state of Kansas Attorney Generals Office will be valid for two years at which time it will need to be renewed within 30 days prior to the expiration date. This will also include the firearms license that is needed by the applicant to be issued an armed security guard license, rather than an unarmed security guard license. There may also be some employers that will require the armed security guard to have a valid Kansas driver’s license as a requirement for the job opening. The driver’s license is not a requirement of the Kansas qualifications to obtain an armed security guard license.



State Security Licensing Authorities: Oklahoma


The Security Guard license issued by CLEET is a two-year, renewable license.  Applicants wanting to apply for a Security Guard license must first complete the necessary training, submit an application for a license, and undergo a finger print background check. Below are the items you will need to complete a new application.


  •  Application with attachments completed and signature notarized.

  • Certified court Judgment and Sentence or letter of no record for each arrest and/or charge, if applicable. (All questions on page 2 must be answered)

  • Legible CLEET fingerprint cards with all required data

  • Two current passport size color photographs or three if applying for an armed license. Paper or plastic photos are NOT acceptable.

  • Local Police Department and Sheriff Department Record Checks

  • Letter of Employment (if applicable) or Bond/Insurance

  • Agency Application (Required if self-employed Private Investigator)

  • Documented proof of experience or comparable training.

  • Payment amount required. DO NOT MAIL CASH. NO PERSONAL CHECKS. (Money Order, Company Check or Cashier’s Check only).

  • Affidavit of Lawful Presence

  • If not a United States Citizen, verifiable documentation of legal residence


In general, the cost for a Security Guard license is:

  • Unarmed Security Guard: $  91.00

  • Armed Security Guard: $141.00


Information and forms necessary for completing an application for Security Guard, Armed and Unarmed, License.

Required Training
Security Guard Individual Application (PDF)
Affidavit of Lawful Presence
Fingerprint Cards – Click here to request fingerprint cards
Testing Dates


Join a Security Guard Union in






1717 Pennsylvania Ave NW, 10th Floor

Washington, D.C. 20006


Office / Fax: (202) 595-3510
Organizing: (800) 516-0094


UFSPSO: (914) 941-4103

Fax: (914) 941-44722


NUSPO: (202) 499-3956

Fax: (202) 499-3956


NUNSO: (815) 900-9944

Fax: (815) 900-9944


PSONU: (877) - 60-PSONU

FAX:  (877) -607-7668


FPSOA: (202)-595-3510

Fax: (202) 595-3510


UFK9H:  (800) 516-0094


PROA: (251) 333-8877

Fax: (256) 257-5869 






NY / Long Island Office

220 Old Country Road #2

Mineola, NY 11501


Office / Fax: (212) 457-1010
Organizing: (800) 516-0094






Office / Fax (586) 248 - 5222




​Tel: (256) 257-5868, 

Fax: (256) 257-5869

Organizing: (251) 333-8877



Los Angeles Office

611 Wilshire Blvd

9th Floor

Los Angeles, CA 90017


Office / Fax: (213) 205-1855
Organizing: (800) 516-0094


Hawaii Guam Saipan 808-212-9831





Site Map

Lally & Misir LLP


The Nassau Building

220 Old Country Road #2

Mineola, NY 11501


Phone: (516) 741-2666

Fax: (516) 742-8533





1717 K Street N.W.  Suite 1120 

Washington DC 20006 



Phone: (202) 328-7222

Fax: (202) 328-7030 


© 2023 by United Federation LEOS-PBA  (UFLEOS-PBA) and its affiliates and its affiliated divisions all rights reserved - Terms & Conditions

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