The 51 Hana Industries security officers working at the IRS HQ in Washington DC have voted to join the United Federation LEOS-PBA once again in a second NLRB election. In this election the incumbent security guard union received ZERO (0) VOTES once again as in the case of the IRS facility in New Carrolton, Maryland.

In three (3) out of four (4) NLRB elections held by the National Labor Relations Board on behalf of the Hana Industries officers working @ IRS HQ in Washington DC & New Carrolton, Maryland the incumbent security guard union received ZERO (0) votes. In a recent election held in California the same security guard union also received ZERO (0) votes. Out of these 5 elections the incumbent security guard union only received only one (1) single vote out of 188 votes.
"Obviously the incumbent security guard union just don't get it. How many NLRB elections do you have to lose at the same locations to realize that your own members have had enough of your lack of service & support?" noted Organizing Director Steve Maritas

We wish to welcome both the Hana Industries security officers working @ IRS HQ & the IRS Facility in New Carrollton, Maryland. "WE PROMISE NOT TO LET YOU DOWN"!
