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Fiore Security Police Officers working @ JPL / NASA are Set to Take Action This Week to Fight for the Wages & Respect they Deserve

Writer: United Federation LEOS-PBAUnited Federation LEOS-PBA

Updated: Nov 10, 2024

Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 4800 Oak Grove Dr, La Cañada Flintridge, CA 91011 - The Fiore Industries Security Police Officers working at Jet Propulsion Laboratory / NASA have had enough and are now ready to take action the week of November 11th against their employer Fiore Industries who holds the security contract @ Jet Propulsion Laboratory / NASA.

The Jet Propulsion Laboratory is a federally funded research and development center in La Cañada Flintridge, California, Crescenta Valley, United States. Founded in 1936 by Caltech researchers, the laboratory is now owned and sponsored by NASA and administered and managed by the California Institute of Technology.

The National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 created NASA and the National Aeronautics and Space Council to lead the United States' civilian space program.

51 U.S.C. 20133 and 20134 of the National Aeronautics and Space Act allow NASA employees and their contractors and subcontractors to carry firearms and exercise Federal Arrest Authority (FAA):

  • 51 U.S.C. 20133

    Allows employees to arrest without a warrant for offenses against the United States that happen in their presence. They can also arrest for felonies if they have reasonable grounds to believe the person committed or is committing the felony.

  • 51 U.S.C. 20134

    Allows employees to exercise FAA while protecting property owned or leased by the United States.

The major issue that is prompting this labor action is the rate of pay these Fiore Industries security police officers receive and the fact that while JPL has recognized them as security police officers which has been granted the authority to carry firearms and to make arrests without warrant while on duty in accordance with the National Aeronautics and Space Act, 51 U.S.C. 20133 and 20134 they are not properly being paid as such.

With that being said, we have been told that the contract between JPL and Fiore Industries only recognizes these security police officers as "SECURITY GUARDS" and not security police officers. Because of this these Fiore Industries security police officers (SECURITY GUARDS) working at JPL receive an hourly wage rate of just $31.58 per hour (equivalent to a low paid armed security guard rate) compared to $59.03 an hour the rate the security police officers working at NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field Mountain View, California receive doing the same job duties as noted below. At the present time the Fiore security police officers are not even making the armed security officer rate at NASA Ames Research Center which is $34.47 per hour compared to the Fiore JPL wage rate of $31.58 an hour.

Fiore Industries website identifies these JPL Security Police Officers as Law Enforcement officers noting:

Law Enforcement / Armed Security Fiore provides federally trained armed law enforcement officers and skilled dispatch professionals to control access and protect the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, located on the California Institute of Technology wooded campus. The complex, which is home to NASA’s top-secret research and development center, is located on 177 acres within Los Angeles County, just 11 miles from downtown Los Angeles. 6,000 employees report to the campus with frequent visits from dignitaries, heads of state and celebrities. The unique environment and high-profile events, such as the Mars Rover landing, which was designed on the campus, require highly skilled officers and an on-site management team that is experienced in advance logistics planning and critical incident response.

Below is an email Fiore had sent to our Security Police Officers after we just published this blog post on 11/9/2024. Once again FIORE continues to DISRESPECT these Security Police Officers by referring to them as " SECURITY GUARDS".

"The Company's bullshit response. He claims that it wasn't his final offer, verifying that they were playing the games we asked repeatedly to avoid. Not only does he continue to call us his "security guards"  is insulting, none have which have received any respect or recognition for our roles at JPL. This just displays his lack of sincerity and continues to give us this bullshit excuse of JPL's financial "issues" as a way to justify their underwhelming/disrespectful offers during these "good faith" negotiations. I think I speak on behalf of all the members that we're fed up".

"Oh it is pissing everyone off and showing their disrespect for the officers.  He can easily call us Officers but instead chooses to keep calling us security guards. - From a pissed off Fiore / JPL Security Police Officer".

Adding insult to injury, for over two years now these Fiore security police officers working at JPL have not received a wage increase partly because their previous union failed to negotiate any type of wage increases on their behalf with Fiore. Because of the inability to negotiate a wage increase, the lack of communication and service by their previous security union, these Fiore security police officers working at JPL sought the help of our Union, United Federation LEOS-PBA Law Enforcement Officers Security & Police Benevolent Association who filed a NLRB election on their behalf and won this election by a score of 25 to ZERO. On November 17, 2023 the National Labor Relations Board NLRB certified the results of this election.

Over the course of a year our legal team had tried to get these Fiore (SECURITY GUARDS) classified as security police officers as noted on their JPL credentials which intern would give them a higher wage rate classification under the wage determination under the Service Contract Act to no avail, because in order to do so we have been told by the government that JPL would have to make such a request and they refused to cooperate.

Under the Service Contract Act in Los Angeles: 7131 - Police Officer I make $50.19 per hour and 27132 - Police Officer II make $55.78 per hour.

This is a far cry from what Fiore is presently paying its security police officers ( which they call "Security Guards") @ JPL which is $31.58 an hour. This is how we think both Fiore & JPL are avoiding to pay our security police officer members the Police Officer I rate of $50.19 per hour as noted under the Service Contract Act at the very least a by classifying them as "SECURITY GUARDS" within the contract between JPL & Fiore and then labeling these "SECURITY GUARDS" as security police officers under 51 U.S.C. 20133 and 20134 of the National Aeronautics and Space Act allow NASA employees and their contractors and subcontractors to carry firearms and exercise Federal Arrest Authority (FAA):

It should be noted that under California law "SECURITY GUARDS" must be licensed by the Bureau of Security and Investigative Service (BSIS or Bureau) however the Fiore JPL security police officers are NOT licensed by the Bureau of Security and Investigative Service (BSIS or Bureau). Nor have they complied with the required power of arrest training.
The power to arrest training must be completed prior to the issuance of a Security Guard Registration (BPC Sections 7583.6 and 7583.8).
Even more disturbing is the fact that we are being told that JPL officials have authorized FIORE security police officers to leave the JPL property (their jurisdiction) to patrol public parking lots and to get fuel while still carrying a firearm outside of JPL's jurisdiction.

California law requires a person who desires to carry a concealed weapon in public to obtain a Carry Concealed Weapon (CCW) license. This license may be issued by a sheriff of a county, or the police chief or other head of a municipal police department of any county or city. (Pen. Code, §§ 26150, 26155, 26170.)

Unlawfully transporting a firearm: Can include charges of carrying a concealed weapon, carrying a loaded weapon, or illegal possession of an assault weapon. These charges can be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the circumstances.

At the present time while Fiore has offered our members a wage rate of $36.85 per hour in year year 1, signifying a wage increase of $5.27 cent wage increase for this year, Fiore on the other hand wants to freeze the wages for years 2 and 3. Based on the overall wage package that doesn't even get our members at least $40.00 an hour over the next 3 years this wage offer has been rejected by the membership noting this is unacceptable to our members and far below the Police Officer I rate of $50.19 dollar rate per hour we believe these Fiore / JPL security police officers should be at. Below are just a few of comments and reactions to Fiore's offer by our security police officer members below.
Greetings, I want to take a moment to share my feelings about the latest proposal. After so many years without wage increases, I find myself feeling quite disheartened by this offer. We all know how challenging it has become to manage rising living costs and ongoing inflation, and it’s tough to see a response that doesn’t seem to acknowledge the hard work and commitment we have put in. I sincerely hope we can find a way forward that better recognizes the value of our efforts and the financial pressures many of us are facing.

No that is not acceptable that increase is insulting. For the duties and responsibilities assigned to us and our requirement to legally act Fiore has underplayed us as Security Police officers. Anything equal or lower than our dispatcher (customer service reps) will not do.
I think the counter offer that Fiore proposes is a bit of an insult and very undermining for us as a Department. As a Department we strive to deliver professionalism while providing law enforcement services to the community JPL. The mere fact that we undergo quarterly training and qualification for our firearms separates us from other organizations. On top of all that, with the current inflation, living expenses, and the fact we haven’t received any pay increase in the last few years, is why we are deserving or of an increase of at least $47. 
I find the counter-offer by Fiore Industries unacceptable. 

Good evening, For one, thank you for updating us all on this issue. I find it extremely disappointing that this low offer was presented to us by our employer. I agree with what many of my fellow Security Police Officers are stating as well as share their frustration and disappointment. I can agree that the amount we are currently receiving and the amount that was offered by the company does not work in our favor in this economy. However, I would also like to point out that our job requires us to go into harms way and run into danger when a threat presents itself. In this day and age, we in this law enforcement profession have to be ready for this threat as the risk of being exposed to dangerous people with dangerous intentions (including being exposed to dangerous substances) is higher than other professions. In addition to this, we train on these scenarios in the case of these emergency’s. So far during my tenure at JPL, Emergency Response Officials have already been exposed to these threats. With this stated, the current rate and the rate offered is not on par with what is required of us to do. It is very disheartening to be invalidated and undervalued for the work that we do. Us Security Police Officers need to be fairly compensated for the adversities that we face. 
No, I do not think that is fair at all. The wages are low and yo not get any pay in the next 2yrs is not acceptable.

Not fair at all…I support the Union & representing officials! 
I want to express my dissatisfaction with Fiore’s recent counter-offer. A rate of $36.85, with no increases over the next two years, undervalues the hard work, dedication, and level of service we bring to our roles each day.

Given our years without wage adjustments, coupled with rising costs and inflation, this proposal simply does not align with the value we consistently deliver. Our contributions warrant fair and adequate compensation that reflects both our professional commitment and the quality of work we provide. I believe we deserve better, and I stand firmly in support of actions that will ensure our collective voice is heard. Thank you for your efforts and leadership.

Good evening, Thank you for updating us on this matter. I would like to express my disappointment in the way fiore is handling this matter. It is so frustrating that our hard work and dedication to the job goes unnoticed. They don’t want to pay us what we strongly all agree we deserve. Trying to keep up with the rising cost of living.  Everything we do from maintaining a safe work environment for everyone at JPL to conducting law enforcement work, traffic stops, traffic accidents reports, numerous different types of reports, drug incidents we’ve had in the past, and numerous medical calls. All the hard work we’ve put in and continue to put in.  It’s a shame to feel like our work goes unnoticed and yet the company still does not want to pay us what we deserve. 

I do not approve of the offer and support the decision of the union. 

Fiore’s  counter offer is not only laughable, it’s insulting. Other security contractors in the LA area make up to 10 dollars an hour more than we do currently, and generally are not required to carry firearms they do not have the ability to effect and arrest and are not asked to do police work at such laughably low pay. 

 As a senior officers, the final counter offer Fiore sent us is nothing but disrespectful. For years, we have went above and beyond for Fiore/JPL. Especially, during the pandemic. Because of us, Fiore received an award from JPL because of OUR performance. With that said, we deserve nothing less than what we are asking for.

I'm very saddened and disappointed with the Fiore on how they are handling our negotiation. I've been here here for 10 years and only have had a $3 increase in pay. $3 for 10 years is horrible. Doesn't refelct the amount of inflation and the cost of living here in California. We strive here at JPL to keep up and go beyond the standards. I will stand by our members and the Union going forward to rightfully get the pay we deserve. 

Thank you for updating us on Fiore’s response to our counter-offer.I must express my profound disappointment with latest proposal. After years without any wage increases, this offer falls drastically short of what we deserve. In a time of rising living costs and persistent inflation, it is disheartening that the response does not reflect the value of our hard work, dedication, or the reality of the financial pressures we face daily.

I find that that Fiore's latest offer falls short of our needs and expectations. Consideration must be given to the significant raises that both the JPL FD and JPL Dispatchers recently received. We are grossly underpaid and all we ask  for is for wages that are commensurate with our duties and responsibilities. I fully support the Union's decision to proceed with an informational picket to bring much needed change to our plight. Thank you very much for your time and continued support! 

Thank you for continuously updating us. I must say it’s highly upsetting to know Fiore does not agree with our initial proposal, and continues to not be reasonable with the wage increase.  I completely disagree with Fiore’s latest wage proposal. It disregards all of the hard work and efforts all of the officers have poured into the job the last couple of years. 

To whom this may concern, I believe the counter offer from Fiore to us officers is a sign of disrespect. For years we have proven and shown that we deserve more pay. We have put our lives at risk every single day at work for roughly around 6,300 employees. We are always expected to perform within our line of scope and more. I believe every single officer has proven that. Whenever this company has needed us to stay over, come in early during stressful situations we have all gave it our all. We have been requested countless times to do more of expected. For example Field Ops was something given to us without any training. We were expected to figure it out as we go. This company has been unfair with us with always taking but not giving anything back in return. Since I been there many people have come and go and majority of co workers who leave is because of the competitive pay. There is a lot of other companies paying $40+ for unarmed positions. Yet Fiore can not even match anyone around for some odd reasons. The more the pay stays low more people could leave. It has been hard with gas prices rising, groceries rising, and everyday necessities it has been hard to even keep up with bills. Having a government job with a secret clearance should not force me to go look for a second job because the pay wage is so low. If we stay at this rate even fast food places will eventually catch up to our pay. I hope Fiore can reconsider and see why we are so essential to the job that we provide and the protection of employees and families.

Good evening, Thank you for updating us on this matter. I would like to express my disappointment in the way fiore is handling this matter. It is so frustrating that our hard work and dedication to the job goes unnoticed. They don’t want to pay us what we strongly all agree we deserve. Trying to keep up with the rising cost of living. Everything we do from maintaining a safe work environment for everyone at JPL to conducting law enforcement work, traffic stops, traffic accidents reports, numerous different types of reports, drug incidents we’ve had in the past, and numerous medical calls. All the hard work we’ve put in and continue to put in. It’s a shame to feel like our work goes unnoticed and yet the company still does not want to pay us what we deserve. 

My name is XXXX XXXXX and have been a Security Police Officer at JPL for almost 4 years now. I am completely disappointed with Fiore's counter-offer of 36.85 on November 8, 2024 and I fully support our union. I fully support any actions the union will take including the informational picket beginning next week. Thank you and Good Luck to us all.

Greetings, I want to take a moment to share my feelings about the latest proposal. After so many years without wage increases, I find myself feeling quite disheartened by this offer. We all know how challenging it has become to manage rising living costs and ongoing inflation, and it’s tough to see a response that doesn’t seem to acknowledge the hard work and commitment we have put in. I sincerely hope we can find a way forward that better recognizes the value of our efforts and the financial pressures many of us are facing.

I also don't agree with their counter offer and I'm with the union all the way.

UPDATE: After we published this blog post Fiore revised their last offer of $36.85 year 1 and zero wage increases in year 2 and 3. Below is their most recent wage offer which does not get us over $40.00 an hour until year 3 of the contract vs in year 1 or at the very least year 2 of the contract. Presently the Union is seeking $47.00 an hour in year 1 of the contract which gets us much closer to the Police Officer I wage rate of $50.19 per hour.

Fiore revised 11/9/2024 counter:  $37.00 year 1 (17.16%), $38.30 year 2 (3.5%), $40.21 year 3 (5%).

While we know Fiore can only come up with the money that JPL is willing to pay Fiore, it is time that JPL come up with the money to pay for these "SECURITY POLICE OFFICERS" as noted in their issued credentials!
If you want to call our members "SECURITY POLICE OFFICERS" and give them the powers of a "SECURITY POLICE OFFICER" then you need to pay them like "SECURITY POLICE OFFICERS"!
Under the Service Contract Act Police Officer I rate of pay is $51.19 per hour. The Union is only seeking $47.00 an hour far below the going rate of $51.19 per hour and far below the wage rate of $59.03 an hour being paid to the Security Police Officers working at NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field Mountain View, California.

This email is regarding the ongoing negotiations between Fiore and the Security Police Officers who are assigned to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. It has come to my attention that FIORE / Caltech/JPL does not appear to take our agency or our officers seriously which is apparent based on the offers received during this negotiation cycle.
Furthermore, it is as if both Fiore and Caltech/JPL essentially want to have their cake and eat it to by demanding Law Enforcement response and professionalism while paying minimal wages in return and labeling us strictly as security guards when we are required to perform duties only a law enforcement officer would perform. There are several factors and examples that support our case including my own personal experiences with arrests performed while on duty, the training that is required and the policies that are in place.
I have personally effected arrests on lab for cases such as Driving under the influence of alcohol and CVC 23152 and trespassing P.C. 602 / 18 U.S.C. 1752. In our daily duties we constantly effect investigative detentions for the purposes of identifying those who do not have proper identification displayed. The action of investigative detention can only be affected by a law enforcement officer.
Our training consists of 152 hours of basic law enforcement training certified by FLETA (Federal Law Enforcement Training Association); the same academy that NASA special agents graduate who are also classified as law enforcement, quarterly weapons qualifications on Pistol, Shotgun and Rifle, active shooter and bomb threat response and various other law enforcement and security duties. I have additionally been sent to various CA POST certified training events conducted by agencies such as CHP and was paid to attend while working at JPL. We are further trained on the application of medical treatment above and beyond general first aid and CPR. Part of our training consists of combat casualty care with the use of tourniquets and quickclot. We are also trained for drug related medical emergencies with the use of Narcan.   
The policies and expectations of our employment here at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory meet the same expectations of a police officer with respect to duties performed. Some of these duties include but are not limited to, conducting routine or felony traffic stops using a marked security police vehicle equipped with red and blue emergency lights, issuing proprietary citations for both moving violations and parking violations, responding to incidents such as assaults/battery, domestic disputes, illegal drug-induced medical emergencies, attempt murder, bomb threats and so on. All duties listed are duties that I or a fellow officer have performed during my time with JPL. 
Additionally, the equipment used by our officers is not consistent with what a security guard uses. We are trained on various types of weapon platforms and types of equipment that we are required to carry and/or use. There are instances in which we are also required to carry these items outside of the laboratory to complete our duties.


The following weapon systems are issued and carried by officers both on and off JPL property.
Generation 5 Glock 17 with 3-4 issued 17-round LE-only magazines. The transfer of magazines for non-law enforcement personnel in the state of California is a felony and would not otherwise be issued to our personnel.
Colt Enhanced Patrol Rifle (10.5-inch SBR) with 30-round standard-capacity magazines. This is an NFA item and is restricted by both the state of California and Federal via the National Firearms Act.
Huxworks 5.56 mm suppressor. This is an NFA item and is attached to all our patrol rifles.
Mossberg 590 pump shotgun (SBS) This Item is also an NFA item based on the length of the barrel and is restricted.
G36-C (Fully automatic) The G36 is a fully automatic NFA item and is restricted to law enforcement and military use only and cannot be possessed by civilians.
X26 Taser. This item may be used by civilians but is not generally used by security guards.
The following equipment is used and/or carried daily in the course of our duties.


LIDAR/RADAR this device is used by us to detect the speed of vehicles and if a violation is observed, a traffic stop is initiated, and a citation may be issued for violation of speed. NOTE: once a traffic stop is initiated, this constitutes as a detention as indicated by a solid red burning light on our patrol vehicles in accordance with CVC 25252.


Patrol Vehicle (Dodge Durango) equipped with red and blue emergency lights, sirens, cage and gun rack for AR15/shotgun.


Keep in mind, that after graduation from our academy, we are then sworn into service.
Attached is a written active and live policy that we are required to abide by. In this document, it states on page three(3) paragraph 1.b, that the emergency operations center is to dispatch security police officers (us) to the location of an active shooter. on the same page, in paragraph 1.a the goal states that the security police officer is to neutralize the threat, or otherwise actively engage the threat. Furthermore, the document does not refer to us as guards or security guards. the document refers to us as security police officers. 

Editors Note: It should be noted that a "SECURITY GUARD" job is to observe & report and NOT to engage in an "ACTIVE SHOOTER" response.

My last point here is that Police officers may perform the duties of both a police officer and a security officer; however, a security officer can not fulfill the duties of a police officer. Just because we have both roles, does not mean that we can be downgraded for the benefit of the company. Further, if I am just a contract security guard, then why do I have to abide by the 4th amendment (search and seizure) laws set forth by the US Constitution?  


To all union members,

We understand your concerns regarding recent inquiries from management about POST (Peace Officer Standards and Training) certification and its potential implications. As your union, we are committed to ensuring that your rights and classifications as federal police officers are preserved and respected.

Verification of POST Requirement for Federal Officers

To clarify, federal police officers, including those employed in California, do not require a California POST certification to be recognized as sworn officers. Your federal law enforcement status and arrest authority were established through federal training, such as the NASA Academy or similar programs, which fully certifies you for your role without needing additional state-level POST certification.

Under federal law, federal officers hold jurisdiction and authority that is distinct from state-level law enforcement and certifications. California POST certification is a state requirement for officers under the state’s jurisdiction, but it is not required for federal law enforcement officers who are sworn in and operate under federal statutes.

Concerns About a Two-Tier Classification System

We recognize that management’s questioning may raise concerns about the establishment of a two-tier system—where officers with POST certification are treated differently from those without. This union will firmly oppose any attempt to create such a system. Your federal training and sworn status already grant you the authority and qualifications necessary to perform your duties as federal police officers, and management’s inquiries should not alter your standing or status.

Our Commitment to Protecting Your Status

Rest assured that your union is actively monitoring this situation. We are prepared to address any actions that attempt to differentiate or create unequal treatment among federal officers based on state certifications that are neither required nor relevant to your federal role.

If you have additional concerns or need further clarification, please reach out to us directly. Your role as federal police officers is valued and protected, and we are here to ensure it stays that way.

If you wish to join or form a security union at your workplace them please join the United Federation LEOS-PBA Law Enforcement Officers Security & Police Benefit Association the true authority of Law Enforcement, Protective Service Officers, Special Police Officers, Security Police Officers, Nuclear Security Officers, K9 Handlers, Security Officers, Security Guards and Security Professionals nationwide. Contact us today @ 1-800-516-0094 or visit our website @

Organizing: 1-800-516-0094

United Federation LEOS-PBA (202) 595-3510







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