Left to Right - Anthony, JT, Ed, Les, John, JoAnn, Bree, Mike, Jr and Juan. Soon to be United Federation LEOS-PBA Guam Local 652 once we win this NLRB election and certified by the Board.
On Monday September 18th the National Labor Relations Board NLRB will be officially sending out the ballots to the 140 Paragon Systems, Inc protective service officers PSO's in Hawaii, Guam, Saipan and American Samoa to decide if they wish to remain with their current Union SPiT-FA or choose to join the United Federation LEOS-PBA Hawaii, Guam, Saipan & American Samoa Union. Based on the picture above the 30 Paragon PSO's in Guam have already made up their minds on who they are going to vote for and that is the United Federation LEOS-PBA!

The Paragon Systems, Inc protective service officers PSO's in Saipan have already made up their minds and are voting 100% in favor of joining the United Federation LEOS-PBA Hawaii, Guam, Saipan & American Samoa Union when they receive their ballots. Soon to be United Federation LEOS-PBA Saipan Local 652 once we win this NLRB election and certified by the Board.

Many of the Paragon Systems, Inc protective service officers PSO's in Hawaii have also made up their minds to and are voting in favor of joining the United Federation LEOS-PBA Hawaii, Guam, Saipan & American Samoa Union.

Paragon Hawaiian PSO Chef shown in the middle has been leading the charge for change in Hawaii noting that despite SPiT-FA being their representative for a number of years they were nowhere to be found.
"This is the first time in FOREVER that we have seen any representation from our union (SPiT-FA)"

Shown above SPiT-FA National Organizing Director Dwayne Phillips (l) and SPiT-FA Vice President Ryan Kelly (r) who is responsible in servicing the members in Hawaii, Guam, Saipan & American Samoa.
"I've HAD IT with our union and you should be too! Our UNION DOESN'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT YOU".
"Ask the PSO's who recently had NO REPRESENTATION in suspensions handed out @ Bishop Street recently".

Hawaiian Paragon PSO Mark Schmidt (l) and Bryan Antonio (r) shown here with United Federation LEOS-PBA Organizing Director Steve Maritas are also leading the charge in Hawaii to replace their current Union SPiT-FA to join the United Federation LEOS-PBA Hawaii, Guam, Saipan & American Samoa Union.

While United Federation LEOS-PBA Hawaii, Guam, Saipan & American Samoa representatives were working all week personally visiting Paragon PSO's in Hawaii, Guam, Saipan & American Samoa, SPiT-FA President David L. Hickey also decided to visit Hawaii. His important Facebook message to his members:
"Enjoying the view from the 31st floor at the Hilton Hawaiian Village"
SPiT-FA International President David L. Hickey
Based on Paragon PSO's from Guam, Saipan & American Samoa SPiT-FA President David L. Hickey and or SPiT-FA Vice President Ryan Kelly who is responsible for servicing Guam, Saipan & American Samoa have NEVER once visited the members in Guam, Saipan & American Samoa While the same cannot be said for the United Federation LEOS-PBA. NOTE: SPiT-FA has been their Exclusive Bargaining Agent Since 2003. WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU?????

A Recent poll conducted of 100 Paragon PSO's in Hawaii clearly show that 92.86% support and are voting in favor of the United Federation LEOS-PBA vs staying with their present Union SPiT-FA!

In a Recent second poll conducted of 40 Paragon PSO's in Guam, Saipan & American Samoa our poll clearly shows 100% of the Paragon PSO's in Guam, Saipan & American Samoa are voting in favor of the United Federation LEOS-PBA. Their present Union SPiT-FA received ZERO (0) Votes.

Those eligible to vote are: All full-time and regular part-time armed and unarmed protective security officers employed by Paragon Systems, Inc., performing guard duties as defined by Section 9(b)(3) of the National Labor Relations Act, and assigned to federal facilities in Hawaii, Guam, Saipan, and American Samoa, under Contract No. 70RFPW19DW9000002, with the Department of Homeland Security, Federal
The election will be conducted by United States mail. The mail ballots will be mailed to employees employed in the appropriate collective-bargaining unit. On Monday, September 18, 2023 at 12 noon (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time), ballots will be mailed to voters by an agent of the National Labor Relations Board, Subregion 37, whose office is located at 300 Ala Moana Blvd Rm 7-245, Honolulu, HI 96850-7245. Voters must sign the outside of the envelope in which the ballot is returned. Any ballot received in an envelope that is not signed will be automatically void.
Those employees who believe that they are eligible to vote and did not receive a ballot in the mail by Monday, October 2, 2023 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time), should communicate immediately with the National Labor Relations Board by either calling the Subregion 37 office in Honolulu at (808) 541-2814, the Region 20 Office in San Francisco at (415)356-5130, or our national toll-free line at 1-844-762- NLRB (1-844-762-6572).
All ballots will be commingled and counted by an Agent of the National Labor Relations Board, Subregion 37 Office at 300 Ala Moana Boulevard, Room 4-127, Honolulu, HI 96850, on Monday, October 23, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time). Parties choosing to observe may be required to participate remotely by Zoom Government, selected by and arranged for the Board Agent conducting the count. No party may make a video recording or save any image of the ballot count. In order to be valid and counted, the returned ballots must be received in the National Labor Relations Board, Subregion 37 Office prior to the counting of the ballots.

Most recently the Paragon PSO's in Boston voted to dump their present union SPiT-FA to join the United Federation LEOS-PBA by a score of 36 to 18. SPiT-FA had let their CBA expire on March 15th 2023 and decided NOT to negotiate a new one pending their filing of objections to election. On August 18th the NLRB ruled on SPiT-FA's bogus objections and certified the results of the election. Once the United Federation LEOS-PBA was certified our Union immediately negotiated a new CBA on behalf of the 140 Paragon PSO's in Boston negotiating the highest wage increases they ever received a 11.8% wage increase.

Our Union, United Federation also recently beat SPiT-FA in another embarrassing loss to our Union, United Federation LEOS-PBA when the 93 transportation security officers TSO's in Arizona voted 51 to 11 in favor of Joining our Union United Federation LEOS-PBA.
Like what SPiT-FA did in Boston, SPiT-FA failed to negotiate a new CBA on behalf of these ISS Action TSO officers which resulted in these 93 ISS Action TSO's from receiving a wage increase for this year. With that said our Union was able to convince the employer and contracting officer to allow to move the submission date for wages from July 31st to September. In the end we were successful in negotiating a 10.5% Wage increase (2.52 Dollars an hour plus a $0.37 wage increase in their H&W compared to SPiT-FA Wage Increases for ISS Action TSO's which never exceeded more than $0.90 to a $0.97 wage increase each year of their contract.
United Federation LEOS-PBA newly negotiated Wage increases below on behalf of the ISS Action TSO's in Arizona.

SPiT-FA Wage Increases for ISS Action TSO's Below.

When all is said and done our Union will be seeking the highest wage increase for our new Paragon PSO members in Hawaii, Guam, Saipan and American Samoa just like we have done in Los Angeles, San Diego, NYC, Kentucky, Washington DC and most recently Boston!

United Federation LEOS-PBA now represents more Paragon Systems Inc Protective Service Officers PSO's than any other security union. Representing Paragon PSO's in Boston, Los Angeles California, Riverside, San Bernardino counties, San Diego & Imperial counties, California, Kentucky, New York City, Upstate New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, & Washington DC Capitol Region just to mention a few.
If you wish to join or form a security union at your workplace them please join the United Federation LEOS-PBA Law Enforcement Officers Security & Police Benefit Association the true authority of Law Enforcement, Protective Service Officers, Special Police Officers, Security Police Officers, Nuclear Security Officers, K9 Handlers, Security Officers, Security Guards and Security Professionals nationwide. Contact us today @ 1-800-516-0094 or visit our website @ www.LEOSPBA.org
Organizing: 1-800-516-0094
United Federation LEOS-PBA (202) 595-3510