10/18/2023 New York City - The 269 Paragon Systems, Inc protective service officers PSO's working in NYC have received the highest wage increase they ever have received in the history of this contract under our Union United Federation LEOS-PBA Law Enforcement Officers Security & Police Benevolent Association on behalf of its affiliated Union LEOSU.

The total amount of the wage increase negotiated by our Union United Federation LEOS-PBA was three dollars and fifty cents $3.50 per hour bringing their wages up from $33.50 an hour to 37.00 dollars an hour plus an additional $0.45 cents in their health and welfare from $5.05 per hour to $5.50 an hour. In total this amounted to a $3.95 cent raise / 11.8% wage increase.

Charles Chip Strebeck President of the United Federation LEOS-PBA (r) at end, noted "our Union is the only 9(b)3 security Union in the United States that has proven itself over and over again in negotiating the highest wage increases and wage percentages on behalf of Paragon Systems, Inc PSO's anywhere in the country. This is evident by the fact that our Union was successful in negotiating the highest wage increases ever in Los Angeles California from $37.92 to $40.57 per hour, $37.23 to $40.00 dollars an hour in San Diego, California, $27.92 to $30.65 per hour in Boston and now $33.50 to $37.00 per hour in NYC. These rates do NOT include H&W contributions which were also significantly increased". noted Strebeck.

October 12th 2023 San Diego California - The United Federation LEOS-PBA Law Enforcement Officers Security & Police Benevolent Association on behalf of its affiliated Union LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS SECURITY UNIONS (“LEOSU-CA”), LEOS-PBA was successful in achieving what no other 9(b)3 security union has done on behalf of the Paragon Systems, Inc protective service officers PSO's anywhere in the country. Which was successfully negotiating a base wage rate per hour of forty $40.00 dollars or more per hour for both the Paragon PSO's in both Los Angeles and San Diego, California, which does not include Health & Welfare contributions.

On August 9th our Union United Federation LEOS-PBA was successful in negotiating a forty dollar and fifty cent ($40.57) an hour base rate on behalf of the Paragon PSO's in Los Angeles bringing their wages up from $37.92 to $40.57 per hour which does not include Health & Welfare contributions.. This amounted to a $2.65 cent wage increase plus an additional $0.25 cents in their H&W from $5.25 per hour to $5.50 per hour. In total this was an unprecedented $2.90 cent wage increase for the year compared to the usual $0.90 cent yearly wage increases they typically received from their prior union SPiT-FA headed by Dave Hickey out of Roseville, Michigan.
On October 12th our Union United Federation LEOS-PBA was successful once again in negotiating a forty $40.00 dollar an hour base wage rate effective January 1, 2024 on behalf of the Paragon Systems, Inc PSO's in San Diego. bringing their wages up from $37.23 to $40.00 dollars an hour. This amounted to a $2.77 cent wage increase plus an additional $0.25 cents in their H&W from $5.10 per hour to $5.35 per hour. In total this was an unprecedented $3.02 cent wage increase for this coming year compared to the usual $0.60 cent yearly wage increases they typically received from their prior union SPiT-FA headed by Dave Hickey. Both the Los Angeles & San Diego yearly wage increases for this year were the highest wage increases that either of these Paragon PSO units have ever seen in its history, A record we are proud of.

Back on June 5, 2023 our Union United Federation LEOS-PBA was successful in winning the Paragon Systems, Inc NLRB election in Boston who were previously represented by SPiT-FA. Due to frivolous objections to this election filed by SPiT-FA the certification of this election was delayed until August 18th, 2023. With little time to spare just 12 days in meeting the government deadline to submit this years wage increases which SPiT-FA FAILED to do allowing their Boston CBA to expire back on March 15th 2023, our Union immediately sprung into action and was successful in negotiating the highest wage increases the Paragon Boston PSO's have ever seen. An unprecedented 11.8 wage increase for this year. You can read all about it below on our blog.

Back in June 2023 our Union United Federation LEOS-PBA was also successful in negotiating the highest wage increase ever on behalf of the Paragon PSO's in Kentucky a $2.70 cent wage increase, You can read more about this story on our blog below.

Pasadena, California - On Tuesday, October 17, 2023, the National Labor Relations Board will officially be sending out its ballots to decide if the 45 security police officers working at NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California formerly Paragon Systems Inc security police officers now presently working for Fiore Industries Inc wish to remain with their present Union SPiT-FA headquartered at 25510 Kelly Road Roseville, Michigan or become the newest member of the United Federation LEOS-PBA Law Enforcement Officers Security & Police Benevolent Association. The largest and fastest growing 9(b)3 security union in the United States today.

On October 23, 2023 the 140 Paragon PSO's in Hawaii, Guam, Saipan and American Samoa will soon have their opportunity to join our United Federation LEOS-PBA family with the National Labor Relations Board NLRB counts the official ballots in this election which will decide if this Paragon unit wishes to remain with their present union SPiT-FA or vote in favor of joining our Union United Federation LEOS-PBA Hawaii, Guam, Saipan and American Samoa. Based on our reports this should be another landslide election in favor of joining the United Federation LEOS-PBA.

Paragon PSO's in Saipan are all supporting the United Federation LEOS-PBA.

Paragon PSO's in Guam are all supporting the United Federation LEOS-PBA.

Paragon PSO's in Hawaii are supporting the United Federation LEOS-PBA.

Paragon PSO's in Hawaii are supporting the United Federation LEOS-PBA.

Paragon PSO's in Hawaii are supporting the United Federation LEOS-PBA.

United Federation LEOS-PBA now represents more Paragon Systems Inc Protective Service Officers PSO's than any other security union. Representing Paragon PSO's in Boston, Los Angeles California, Riverside, San Bernardino counties, San Diego & Imperial counties, California, Kentucky, New York City, Upstate New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, & Washington DC Capitol Region just to mention a few.
If you wish to join or form a security union at your workplace them please join the United Federation LEOS-PBA Law Enforcement Officers Security & Police Benefit Association the true authority of Law Enforcement, Protective Service Officers, Special Police Officers, Security Police Officers, Nuclear Security Officers, K9 Handlers, Security Officers, Security Guards and Security Professionals nationwide. Contact us today @ 1-800-516-0094 or visit our website @ www.LEOSPBA.org
Organizing: 1-800-516-0094
United Federation LEOS-PBA (202) 595-3510