12/30/21 Pittsburgh & Central Pennsylvania - The Paragon System Inc protective service officers PSO's who protect the federal buildings throughout Pittsburgh, Erie & Central Pennsylvania have overwhelmingly voted to ratify their new Paragon Protective Service National Union (PSONU) collective bargaining agreement.

These Paragon System Inc protective service officers PSO's who in the past received yearly wage increases of no more than $0.46 cents per hour with their old security Union will now be receiving wage increases between $2.37 per hour to $1.41 per hour based on their county that they work in just in the first year of their new PSONU, United Federation LEOS-PBA / Paragon CBA.
In addition to many language changes and other economic improvements outlined in their new PSONU, United Federation LEOS-PBA / Paragon CBA, these Paragon Systems Inc working in Pittsburgh, Erie & Central Pennsylvania will also be receiving an unprecedented 96 hours worth of sick leave / personal days which is not found in any other Paragon Systems Inc collective bargaining agreements from around the country.
Charles Strebeck, President of the United Federation LEOS-PBA noted "that the failure of these Pennsylvania Paragon PSO's previous unions failure to negotiate significant wage increases in the past made it very difficult for our Union to seek and achieve the wages and benefits these Pennsylvania Paragon PSO's deserve. We are very happy though that our Union was able to achieve this".
The United Federation LEOS-PBA and its affiliate Unions now represent more Paragon Systems Inc PSO's than any other security union in the country. Representing Paragon PSO's in Los Angeles, Imperial County, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, New York, Kentucky, North & South Carolina, and the Washington DC region just to name a few.